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4 day event - Day 2- Recon event


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Name: Karma

Who helped (If applicable): Scorch, Prince, val dour

Event Name: Recon Event -Day 2 of operation

Summary of the story: Recon Battalions were deployed to A CIS stronghold on planet Mygeeto and were to infiltrate and extract data from 3 consoles without getting noticed and if they did to get data before CIS forces were alerted and data was wiped. They had to avoid patrolling droids and tanks/aircraft patrolling the area

What was the result of the event?: Recon Battalions recovered 3/3 parts of the Data and failed to complete the event without alerting CIS Forces on the Base. Generally did a good job with their jobs assigned to them during operation.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play at the beginning and shoot them up once the battalions were spotted.

Edited by CollinTheMarines
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-1 i heard it was pretty bad

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-1 Rushed the event for staff meeting, when it could've just been held until after, meaning there was no time for anyone to do their proper job, 91st only just got to finding safe breaches, had no time to watch patrols. And then EVERYONE ELSE WAS SENT IN, when it was supposed to be a staggered deployment to let everyone do their jobs. Not only did we get shafted with the time, but then after saving the last segment of the data from being wiped, IT WAS SOMEHOW STILL WIPED. The plan was good, but rushing it like this just gets everyone fucked.

Edited by OneNiner6719
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