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Public Council Records 7/18/18

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Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Letting us be attached to entire regiments and not specific battalions. I.E.: SOBDE Jedi General Kit Fisto

This is IF Medic’s Suggestion passes. If a Jedi wants to become a Regimental Jedi make it so that said Jedi MUST work with the regimental/high command that they are associated with. Along with this a set of permissions for the regimental Jedi could be set up so that based on what the high command wants the regimental Jedi may do trainings, promotions, demotions, punishments and otherwise. Again all of these permissions would be at the hands of the regimental they are working with. This would allow regimental Jedi to fully work with high command and help with all regiments underneath them. (Possible rank requirement? This would prevent minging at lower Jedi ranks, Im not picky about what the rank would be but I suggest Jedi Master+). - Jackson - Passes Will eventually be put up for server suggestions


Change the Jedi flying rule so that instead of any Knight+ can fly, make it so any Master+ or ACE may fly. This is because ACE feels super useless right now other than the title so this could give it some actual uniqueness. -Jackson - Passes


Change how Shaak Ti works in the order so that instead of being with Rancor, Shaak Ti will act as a “Marshal Commander” Jedi. As with the suggestion above Shaak Ti will work with the current Marshall Commander and High command to decide for more permissions within the Clone Army. Currently Shaak Ti can do very little in the way of clones, this change would allow Shaak Ti to actually demote, promote, enforce PT, trainings and otherwise within the entire Clone Army. I think this change is more than needed as Shaak Ti is meant to have a strong role in the Clone Army but currently only has any real influence over Rancor and Battalion Jedi. This would help to integrate the Jedi Order as well as the Grand Army (Jedi led clones all the time but it feels like we are isolated from them more than we should be, especially in regards to high command). -Jackson - Passes Sever Suggestion

Look into updating and changing the Named Knight/Padawan Trials. I believe with the new system it might be worth adjusting HPs, etc. - Metro - Passes


New way of getting master a trial will be held every 3 weeks an as well you need 4 master recs as a knight - Jackson/Tyzen - Passes

New way of working the jedi council  - Tyzen Passes

Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for promotion/demotion/removal (EO)


Master/Branch Interviews

Sergs for Master - Tybo - Passes

Named Master Promotions (EO)

Cin Drallig: Open - Metro Goes to trial

Adi Gallia : Venom

Asharad Hett: Open


Open Floor PTS (EO)


Trial Schedule for the week of 7/18/18
Youngling EAST 7/19/18 - Andrews/ Freck 11:30am
Youngling WEST 7/19/18 Andrews/Jefferson 5pm EST
Youngling 7/20/18 Venom/Tybo 6pm EST
Youngling 7/21/18 -Bazoo/Lighig 6:30pm EST
Youngling 7/22/18 - Lighig/Venom 5pm EST
Youngling 7/23/18 - Zyner/Elijah 4pm EST
Youngling EAST 7/24/18 - Freck/Andrews 12pm
Youngling WEST 7/24/18 - Jackson/Bazoo 6pm EST


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