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BCNS Game Maker APP


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How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:

Combined with time on the server that shall not be named over 800 hours

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:

Leading event jobs and clones are very similar that they both relies on clear communication and commons .Having 3 different individuals all shouting trying to have their voice heard over the other is not acceptable in any situation .Addressing one issue at a time in a orderly and level voice manner is the most effective way to ensure every task is handled.I have dismissed Individuals as event job before if they showed to uncooperative and ruining the time of the other players by shooting at them with their weapon after setting health or consistently  interrupting and talking over other.Out goal a GM is to make sure we can let everyone have a fun time with the event, but also to ensure their experience will no be ruined by one individual refusing to cooperate
Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

I understand and always enjoy running and organizing detailed events that help people have a good time on the server

Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

Ok so a naval ( or Senator aka a VIP basically someone  no one wants to die) is found tied in a chair behind raysheilds with 4 explosives underneath them. The villain of the event explains that there are 4 bounty hunters (or droids) on board the ship currently that each posses a key card to disarm the bombs( Red, Green Blue Yellow) Respectably.The job of the Clones is to recover the correct key card and through rp with the event job that will surrender discover which card the current event jobs has.If they choose the wrong card for a bomb it will detonate, getting two bombs wrong will result in the death of the VIP and a Mission Failed ( well get-em Next Time)

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+1 Did his first event back on Icefuse, his work recovering an event which was initially a lil unorganized due to the extensive work put in was astounding - his events after manage to be similar to other events but in my opinion he adds a nice touch to it - he puts in a good amount of work for events, clearly thinking about the actions of the event rather than shitting them out.


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