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Alfa | Umbaran Trust


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Name: Alfa

Who helped (If applicable):  Kelso,Rogue,Maxwells,Cards,Trijjim,Lix,Spooky


Event Name: Umbaran Trust

Summary of the story: An Umbaran general and his squad has come to the ship claiming to not want to work with the CIS anymore and is willing to join and create a rogue alliance with the republic. Unfortunately, the general is the only one willing to actually go through with the alliance while his squad has second thoughts and betray the general. This then leads to a huge attack where the CIS is ordered to take over the ship and capture the General. 

What was the result of the event?: Sith came on the ship, General was killed

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up": Shoot em up

Edited by Alfa
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