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Black's 1 Battalion event

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Name: Specialized RegCommander Black 

Who helped (If applicable):  Maxx, Ender

Event Name:  Doom Intervention 

Summary of the story: Doom's Unit has been sent to a space station not so far from Naboo... This space station was a test lab facility the reason of it being in space is that if an outbreak were to happen a self-destruct code would happen to cause the facility to break and the outbreak to be killed in space. But sadly one happened, with that many of the survivors escaped in Escape pods. But sadly they couldn't activate the Self Destruct system. It was damaged -(Either on purpose or by accident?)- But with that some survivors were stuck in a room hiding Doom's Unit was tasked to breach the space station clear a way to the survivors - Kill the survivors if INFECTED - And then set the station to blow. From there they would evac out. 

What was the result of the event?: I crashed causing the event to end early 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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