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Athiux Staff Application


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RP Name:CG ESS TR1 Athiux

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73177714

Age:15 All most 16

Gender: Boy

Timezone: UTC+00:00 (UK)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

1). I would like to become A Administrator So i can help out the Communtity buy offering My time to help People Across the Community or new players with ever Training / Infomation About the server.

2). I would be Doing my job Most of the time , The time Im not On duty Is when I playing In role playing mode , But if someone still needs me I will Help them with what ever they need.

3). I am a person who like to get the job Right Correctly , If i dont I would make Me Worried If I did something wrong or if I told something wrong they would get in trouble for I've told them.

4). If I dont know something Ill ask someone The infomation and Tell the other Person to wait Untill I find out (Ill try As Fast As Possiable to find out So i dont Make the person Borded).

5). As A admin I will try my best every day to run myself though the rules and TOS so i can explain to people with Full understandment of the rules , what they are doing wrong or If there is anything someone can Improve.

6). As An Admin Ill try my best to learn new stuff Everyday so i can help out the server , the community to me is the number one , Ill give up all of my game time just to help the server out as much as i can.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

1).Well my name is alfie I was born and Rasied In england , I was A very Smart boy I used to understand everything , But at the age of 3 I was hit by a bike and 20% chance to live , I made 20% but Was left with a sscar on my face that shaped like a moon sliced in half.

2).I started playing gmod 4 years ago , but only started playing starwars RP 2 years ago i used to be a darkRP player I built alot of thing that Im happy I built Such as Automatic Gunshops , Electrical Signs , Moving cars 

3).As A kid I've aways Wannted to Play in Pro matches on league of legends Live on tv , I've played on the only one Match that was hosted online was in the O2 On live tv But we Didnt win so that made me Kinda Sad

Thank you for Your Comments please Type your Comments on what I can Improve on :D

Edited by Athiux
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Congrats you have been accepted for the interview process. You have until a week from now(8/12/17) to contact an overseer or head-administrator. Failure to make contact with one will result in the denial of your application.


Good luck little duckling, hope to see you on the staff team <3

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