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Andrews & Qal's Naboo Assault P2


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Name: Andrews & Qal

Who helped (If applicable): Andrews & Qal, Snadvich, Lighig, Flamma

Event Name: Naboo Assault P2

Summary of the story: 501st, RANCOR, DU, SOBDE were deployed as a Taskforce to assist the Naboo Security Force in defending the Planet from a pending assault from the CIS.  

What was the result of the event?: Naboo Security Forces and the Republic were able to work together to defend Naboo

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both, little bit here and there

Edited by Andrews53
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4 minutes ago, Fruit said:

-1 It was just a shoot em up, no role play, would've liked to see more interaction.

i mean there was interaction but only %10 of the players deployed actually took there time to interact with the 2 RP Event Jobs available. But thanks for the feedback anyways

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