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Qal | Keller 's Repair Station Bravo


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Name: Qal | Keller

Who helped (If applicable): Prince, Jacien, Rogue, Ghoul, Overdrill, Snadvich, Blank. (All EventJobs, and Help)

Event Name: Repair Station Bravo

Summary of the story: The Venator Resolute has been called to Repair Station Bravo. With the constant attacks on the Venator Class Star Destroyer, there was permanant damge done. That Feild Repairs just could not get repaired. The Station's Enginers repaired the Venator, and the Station was open to the Troops aboard the Venator. All of the Dinks and Major issues have been delt with as well as Munitions, and Medical Supplys were Trancferd. 

What was the result of the event?: Venator Class Star Destroyer Resolute receaved repairs, replaced and repaired Deflector Shields, as well as trancfer of supplys.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive Roll Play. The only injures were from messing up Engineering.

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