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blacks Milita event

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Name: Specialized RegCommander Black

Who helped (If applicable): Blank

Event Name: The One Wookie Clan That Betrayed The Republic.

Summary of the story: A wookie tribe or clan has decided to betray the Republic due to a Republic Venator called  - Atomic - ordered to guard Kashyyk randomly fired 14 Missile Torpedos with that as well as a barrage on a local settlement. This massacred dozens of wookie women and children blowing them to bits and ash. The Republic officially announced this was a friendly fire was a mishap has happened with the Turbo Lazer canons and Rocket Batteries. This seemed all suspicious due to the exact location that has been bombed by the friendly fire was one of the places were a peaceful Removal Of Republic Forces Protest was happening. This all encouraged more to attempt to remove the Republic from the planet and some wookies even took up arms. Seeking revenge for those who were massacred by the bombardment of friendly fire. First, they started small killing some Republic officers and clones, than to attacking Republic FOBs which also encouraged the REPUBLIC to stay. After a while the wookies stole 4 Accilmator SpaceShips from the Republic when a full siege of the Wookie Clan which gained numbers decided to attack the base. Wookies killed dozens of Clones and took the ship and weapons. The wookie clan decided to team up with a Trandoshan Clan Nearvy. Granted the Wookies originally wanted to kill the trandos for what they have done to them but decided to work together in destroying REPUBLIC Forces in the sectors near their home planet. One Venator called the Resolute was near this sector so they decided to launch an attack in order to force the Republic Out. Wookies also planned on using the trando militia as punching bags and blaster sponges.. Letting them die out in the fights for what they have done against Kashyyk. 

What was the result of the event?: They held off the attack many people died trying to destroy the ships (RIP SANDWICH)

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More Shoot em up 

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