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Avavel's Asteroid Trap


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Name: Avavel

Who helped (If applicable): IKE, Firat

Event Name: Asteroid Trap

Summary of the story: High Command send in a comms message to the resolute, asking to check out the signal. the ship accepted and send a rescue party. they found 2 ship remaining. The senator's and his guard and a supply ship owned by a bantha farmer. What the republic did not know was the senator has a bounty on his head. The hired guard and bantha farmers were all spies by the deathwatch. So the Senator and the rest got rescued and got treated to a warm welcome at the brig, afterwards the farmer seeing a opportunity placed the tracker down sending the signal for the deathwatch ships to attack. the attack fails terrible. the commander retreated. the senator was safe. until when he was about to leave with a smile. the hired guard showed his true colours and killed the senator getting the bounty for his crew of deathwatch. The Republic made bad relations today with a planet in the mid - outer rim.

What was the result of the event?: Senator died in a twist of events. High Command is angry.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up and some RP onboard the ship.

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