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Avavel's Goodbye Albion


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Name: Avavel

Who helped (If applicable): Wicked

Event Name: Goodbye Albion

Summary of the story: The vnator class destroyer, Albion sent out a distress signal asking for assistance with a CIS Fleet. so the resolute head towards them as fast as possible. as the resolute arrives, the albion sees the resolute and comms in to appreciate the help but we were too late a well shot from the turbolasers pierced their shields and took out their command bridge. a Fierce fight between the CIS Admiral Lok and the republic happens again with the CIS Fleet retreating due to the rear fleet of Arquitens arrived, supporting with firepower. Lok had no choice but to retreat as he lost the advantage he had in the start of the battle.

What was the result of the event?: Albion blows up, Resolute got in a firefight, Republic Backup arrived, Lok retreated.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up and abit of advert RP

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