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No Mercy for RM


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Who helped (If applicable): Alfa

Event Name: The Destruction of Republic Medics

Summary of the story: The Republic Recieve a distress signal from the resupply Republic Vessel, "The Mercy" contained an experimental virus sent my the chancellors office for it to be researched and weaponized. The virus breaks containment during transit and results in the destruction of the vessel, The republic finds it self-trying to avoid the same end by finding the infected personal that emanate a green gas from there bores. The troopers race against the clock in order to be able to find and cure what crew they can before it's too late

What was the result of the event?: Infection was cured and 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role play , most players where doing fight club, but as others got involved tried to add a shooting element

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