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Avavel's When Bugs attack


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Name: Avavel

Who helped (If applicable): Alfa

Event Name: When Bugs Attack

Summary of the story: A unknown ship crashed into the venator Hanger 2, Jedi Ginkst went to investigate the ship and found it was a research vessal and all the crew was dead, they opened the net set of doors and found the bugs that attacked the ship and started to pour out from the ship into the venator. the clones managed to repel the attackers whenever they attack. The creatures were all wiped out but the brood mother was angry and came out and tried to finish the job which ended up in her death. With the broodmother's death, the rest of the creature died along with it 

What was the result of the event?: Republic wiped  out the creatures and its brood mother. Complete genocide

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with a bit of RP

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