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Meows Hostage escape


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Name: Meow

Who helped (If applicable):Snow,Arroyo,Stix,Lighig,and Dark

Event Name:The Hostage Escape

Summary of the story: some trandos  sneak into the vents and capture a navel we end up getting separated and then the republic ambushes us and kills all the trandos

What was the result of the event?:Navel Safe republic Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly Shoot em up

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Sorry but I'm gonna have to give a -1 on this one. Event jobs were shooting while cloaked, saw this on two separate occasions. Also they were not uncloaking when near RC or SO. Sneaking through the vents isn't really lore friendly. There's a hundred options you could have went with that would have taken just a little bit of time to set up that would make the event a lot better as a big complaint I saw was people questioning how they got onboard. I liked the idea the execution was just sub par

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for the most part yes event jobs were shooting when they were cloaked but when a bunch of troopers that are not SO or RC start shooting a floating name tag then yea would you just sit there and let them shoot you? also we had some problems with the event jobs lissening to me but yea it was my fault I kept crashing my game and I was unable to see or know what was happening in game @Blaze

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