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Avavel's Zombie Summoning no jutsu


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Name: Avavel

Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Prassus and Blank

Event Name: Zombie Summoning no Jutsu

Summary of the story: Sith Alchemists come aboard to get blood for their experiments, once the sith alchemist group killed alot of clones and extracted their essence, the sith started their experiement and started their ritual of summoning no jutsu. They managed to open the portal to a realm wher zombies and bugs flooded throughm overwhelming the clones and jedi onboard. The shrine teleported a few times but the shrine ran out of essence to operate and the CLones destroyed it with a bomb.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory. Shrine destroyed and maybe some bugs left over

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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