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Avavel's Never buy from the black market


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Name: Avavel/Ezio

Who helped (If applicable): Taur, natsu, blank, prassus

Event Name: Never buy from the black market

Summary of the story: A Senator and his droid had a meeting with the naval on the ship regarding the assault on the CIS blockade above the senator's home planet. The Senator brought along a protocol droid which he bought from the black market, however the protocol droid was a droid that was purposefully sold to the senator by a CIS Spy. The droid had programming that will override after arriving on a republic ship. So the droid finding a opportunity ran towards the command bridge to transmit coordinates. Cis General Lok finding this republic ship again that caused him trouble before was happy that he got another chance to blow it up. The droid did not broadcast the signal so Lok's Assistant, the super tactical droid activated the transmitter built into the protocol droid and they found the venator's location. so a fight starts with the CIS frigate bombing the Hanger 2 cause the republic thought they will bomb their skygate so they focused their shields there. Many more skirmishes happen. with the CIS frigate damaged and low on droids. Lok launched all his remaining droids at the command bridge and he jumped away. The senator having his droid destroyed was sad but he managed to get his terms signed and the republic will help him with his CIS issue

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory, The senator terms were accepted and the CIS retreated.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mix of both

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