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Avavel's The Shadows are here


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Name: Avavel/Ezio

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: The Shadows are here

Summary of the story: A republic pilot came in calling for help, he entered went to medbay and suddenly dissapeared after uttering the shadows are coming. then the naval went to invstigate and get caught up in surprise with the siths which ended in his demise. The sith decloaked and starts slaughtering everyone on the ship till the siths died, one of the siths got captured and the boss of the siths showed up in comms and told the captured sith he was useless and was thrown away. the captured sith assasin was sent to coruscant for conversion.

What was the result of the event?: team of sith assasins trainees wiped out with 1 being converted. mysterious sith lord did not show his name or faces.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Some roleplay at the start and with some shoot em ups and ended with more roleplay.

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