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Scribbles 187th droid insurgency


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Name: Scribbles(Fox)

Who helped (If applicable): Ri, Andrews, monty,   Stix, Weevil

Event Name: The 187th droid insurgency

Summary of the story: Commando Droids disguised as the 187th came aboard with soemwhat valid ID, they were escorted to the command bridge to discuss about their re-assement and re-deployment, but they were onhappy where they were going to be deployed and called in CIS (their reinforcments), over coruscant, a risky move. So the coruscant defense fleet stepped in and helped the republic fend off the CIS.

What was the result of the event?: Defense fleet helped the republic, and destroyed the CIS. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup


Please let me know who helped i forgot all the names

Edited by Scribbles
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