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About GNEX and Icefuse

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Disclaimer: I am not a chairman of GNEX but I have followed and looked in to what happend.

ohh well its official boys IFN has been booted from GNEX the only trace of IFN still on GNEX is Oddysey (Tho he has created his own server) 

Now in my opinion this is good because they dont do shit for their community and I like how GNEX sees this and booted them.

Now lets start a hastag ;) #SRforGNEX


PS. if any admin want me to delete this PM me I dont want to get banned ;)

Edited by SharkBait
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I honestly don't like the idea of GNEX in my opinion. I think we shouldn't give that much power to larger, well known GMod communities. Keep in mind, this is a game. And putting these communities in power, the leader may become corrupted (as seen with icefuse) and may start creating a global blacklist for people that they don't like. But there are good things to GNEX as well. They help reviving dead gamemodes, they're also able to populate smaller communities. 

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