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Avidus/Rys's Staff App


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RP Name: TR CG DS Tracker SSG Rys

Steam ID: 



Age: 14

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to help the community. I would like to get involved with the staff. When staff are unavailable, I would like to be there for users that need them. I would be one of the few staff that are on in the morning during weekdays, I tend to see not that many staff on at that time. Also, I hope to become a gamemaster and help with events. Being staff can be a lot of fun, that's why I would like to join. And hopefully my app doesn't get denied due to lack of feedback, that was very disappointing when that happened.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I tend to be very nice when I'm around. I have a calm mind 24/7 and can be very helpful. I would be glad to be apart of the staff team and would to the best of my potential. I take every situation seriously unless it's okay for me to mess around. I often like to help others with things and correct them as well to keep them on track.

Do you have any previous staff experience: I was staff before on the server before I got removed for lack of activity. Basically for not taking tickets when about 70% of them involved dupes or vehicles. Also when a ranking staff takes whitelist tickets from New Admins. And because I was CG too and had to prevent minges from doing anything stupid when I'm the only CG on.

Additional Notes: I've been part of the community for 7 months and I enjoy the community and it's members very much. I was 501st before CG and was in that for the 6 months.


Edited by UncleEgghead/Smith
Needed some tweaks
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