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Public Council Records 2/28/18


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Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Should we make it so you can’t be a named clone while being a named Master or Just keep it at you can’t be a named master while being RC/Null Amended to only the high command of the jedi can’t be RC/Null other named masters can be Rc/null(Yoda,Mace,Cin,Shaak,Jocasta) - Yoda -Amend Passes

New Lightsaber hilts can be used by knights if they want to and padawans have to use the ones they get in youngling trials and If you have a saberstaff you can use them  - Yoda - Passes

Bronze to be given out to Good roleplayers and gold to be give out to good sparers and they have to be put up to council-Yoda - Passes


Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for promotion/demotion/removal (EO)

Pyle for master - Tusken Boi - Passes

Master/Branch Interviews


Named Master Promotions (EO)

Quinlan Vos: Open

Luminara: Tybo

Eeth Koth: Wolfro

Adi Gallia: ASVO


Open Floor PTS (EO)

Talk about people being in the Jedi Trials channel before the host is even online to help with trials. -Egg

On the Jedi General Document please put view/comment links to each of the branch documents, there is no point in having a doc there for generals to access branch rosters, logs, and information if we can’t actually access it. - Tusken Boi

Plo Koon saber (models/sgg/starwars/weapons/w_maul_saber_half_hilt.mdl) & color (Gold/Yellow) - Zyner

Trial Schedule for the week of 2/28/18

Youngling 3/1/18 - Tybo/Egg - 6 PM EST

Knight EAST 3/2/18 - Jason/BadDog 2PM EST

Youngling 3/3/18 - Smeck / Wolfro 5pm est

Knight 3/4/18 - Smeck/ Wolfro 5pm est

Youngling EAST 3/5/18 - Zyner/Jason - 1 PM EAST

Youngling WEST 3/5/18- Tybo /Dargon- 6 PM EST

Knight WEST 3/6/18 - ASVO/Dargon 5 pm EST

Universal Saberstaff Trials WEST 3/2/18 -  Thexan ASVO Tyzen Dargon - 8pm

Universal Saberstaff Trials EAST 3/1/18 - BIWEEK

Edited by Tyzen
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