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Whale's Game Helper/Maker Application


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Name: GM 4thO CMD Whale


SteamID: STEAM_:0:1:63863331


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: About 100 Hrs since the server update.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7. I have seen most of the episodes of the TV show and I have seen many lore videos.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: As a commander for GM I have to lead many troops into battle. My communication skills are somewhat lacking but I am improving them bit by bit. My orders are thought out, maybe even too much at times.


Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I completely understand.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

This event would take place on the Jedi vs Sith map with all the planets. As an option we could start the event at the star destroyer hangar and send down each wave in LAATs to make it seem like we have traveled with the Venator.

Optional: Make a Jedi and/or clone task force. Use Jedi and clones disguised as civilians to find the information about the base and the sensor array at a bar on another planet. If this fails: A Jedi Knight was searching for a proper cave for the next Gathering. He finds a bunch of droids stationed there and decides to run due to the amount. Upon further investigation by a group of clones who clear out the tunnels, it is now a listening post used by CIS forces to communicate with other bases. After the base is clear the clones listen in on a conversation between the sensor array and a base at an unknown location. This conversation gives away the location of the array but not the hidden base. This will give the clones the information about the whereabouts of the array that they would have received from the bar. 

Phase 1:

Send spec ops to the green planet. This is a sensor array. There will be 2 commando droid event jobs. One will be scouting around the field while the other will be watching the array. We'll spawn lots of friendly B1's so Spec Ops can sneak past. There will be secondary objectives like disabling ray shields and hacking the droids targeting systems to attack each other (friendly droids vs hostile droids). They will then sneak into the sensor array. The objective is to disable the sensors and base communications while keeping the signal intact to make it seem like nothing is wrong. This will fool the droids and allow the attack battalions to take the base without the droids knowing.

Phase 2: 

Send in the attack battalions to take a hostile fortress in another planet. Its location was found as a result of hacking the array. Add some tanks in there and/or LAATs. Side objectives like destroying primary portions or functions of the base. Maybe bring one RC squad.

Phase 3:

Defensive battalions will come in and secure both bases and protect them from the counter attacks to retake the base and sensor array.

Optional: Jedi can go to the Jedi temple to protect it from Savage, Ventress, and Dooku and/or go to the Sith temple destroy Sith holocrons.

In total there will be 2-5 event jobs minimum.

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