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Ron's Staff Application


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RP Name:TR SO JTO 1stLT Ron

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:150050643




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):One of the big reasons why i want to be staff is to help out on the server where needed. I would like to be apart of the people that make the server what it is and to make it better by solving issues people are having. In general I spend alot of time on the server so why not be apart of staff to help get things done. I would like to do more in the server other than just be another face that comes and goes, I would like to be a face that is here to stay and help out where i can with what I can. Eventually I would love to be able to help set up events and or help make events better. Last reason I would like to become staff is to help make the training for my battalion better without having to keep bugging other admins to keep making things for us.

Te by ll us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I'm 28 years old just got out of the army last March. I did 9 years in the army with 3 deployments. I'm married with 3 kids, August will be 10 years I been married. I'm currently the head of security for a power plant in my city.

Do you have any previous staff experience?Unfortunately I do not but would love the opportunity to learn and grow. 

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+1. Clearly a mature person. People with that kind of military experience know what they're doing in a Gmod server, and I'd love to see people with real life experience such as his own nine years in positions on a community I'm dedicating myself to. Don't know him personally, but I have seen him on and he seems like a great guy.

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