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Trandos in Arms


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Name: BigZach

Who helped (If applicable): Turbine, Monty, Ri and Andrews

Event Name: Trandos in Arms

Summary of the story: Two trandoshan brothers are trying migrate with a newly bought ship! They had previously bought a bunch of their goods at an auction, little did they know their stuff was CIS Property and was tagged by the CIS in case of theft. They are traveling to set up a shop with their great amount of valuable goods! They didn't stock enough fuel so they ended up having to make an emergency landing on a boulder near the Ventor the server is based on. After a while of isolation the trandoshans feel inclined to look outside where they notice a massive Republic Ship and feel greatly inclined to get their attention for help. 

What was the result of the event?: Due to the reaction of the ship the trando put through coordinates through a CIS comms device he had bought at a auction. CIS turned up. Droids attacked and damage was done to the ship.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was more roleplay but a bit of shooting to guide some Stuff to happen.



"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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