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Limbo's Commander Application


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Steam Name: Limbo

RP Name: CG CQC SGT3 Limbo

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Battalion/Area you are applying for: Attack Regimental Commander


-BonFire NW | ODST Commander | 
-Valence (before Change) | Waffen Commander | 
-Owner for A SWRP Server | I was 501st Commander Rex
-BaW Gaming | Shock Commander | 
-Proximity Gaming | Marine Commander | 


Why should you become a Commander?:  Mainly I want to join because it will be a thrilling experience for me. In addition, I've wanted to help others, in case other staff members/commanders are pre-occupied. In addition, I want other people to have a great playing experience, and I feel that I can help with that. I want to help with anything I can, and I feel becoming commander is the path to achieving that goal. I want to bring in and draw in more people. In the end, I want to impact the server in a positive and a meaningful way." I hope I can be apart of the "team" and bring alot of creative, fun ideas into the server.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion? YES

Availability: everday from 9AM-9PM will go to 12 PM if needed

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: since the second day of release

Do you have a microphone?: YES

What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: Making the roleplay experience more fun for everyone, and hosting some sims that may come to use on our next events, and setting up PT once a week and maybe two if needed. I can also do some fun excercise/PT for all the naughty kiddos out there.

  Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? yes, I agree and will do my very best not to be inactive for more than 2 days maximum.

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