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Destroy the droid factory!


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Name: Stryker

Who helped (If applicable): Rick and Smitty

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):

  • The GAR heard about an experimental droid factory that is producing droids at an alarming rate in the outer rim. After hearing this the GAR mobilized, defeating the CIS with heavy losses in space but able to finally mount a ground assault.The built a FOB and from there they need to go on foot with support, taking out the droids and vehicles before they can make their way to the droid factory. 41st will go out and scout the location, telling high command what they see and what to expect.

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fairly mid event, BUT I will leave constructive criticism.

The starting bit was cool, like to see that more with the commanding officers and all that.

Needed to chill on the droid spawns, maybe spawn a couple tanks or something to slow the clone tide down

Needed droids in the internal section, almost no resistance going down there.

Felt too short but not totally a bad thing, short and sweet deployments can be good, if they are action packed

  • Friendly 1

Current: RC-3222 Omega Squad Private Atin
Former: Rancor Private, 21st CommanderCuy'val Dar Vhonte Tervho, Naval LT Dao Coruscant Guard CPT Thire, KU XO Charger

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Story I liked, liked the concept and map but response time on staff chat was slow and for me killed the experience more than any other factor. I would say keep making stuff like this and improving! It was fun!

  • Friendly 1

Current: 332nd Officer Major ARCL Jesse

Former: Hardcase, Kix, 501st MEDL, Chief Medical Officer, Aviation Manager, Vice Admiral Tarkin


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5 minutes ago, Crab_Shack said:


fairly mid event, BUT I will leave constructive criticism.

The starting bit was cool, like to see that more with the commanding officers and all that.

Needed to chill on the droid spawns, maybe spawn a couple tanks or something to slow the clone tide down

Needed droids in the internal section, almost no resistance going down there.

Felt too short but not totally a bad thing, short and sweet deployments can be good, if they are action packed

Ty for the good feedback, I didn't do enough pre set up and talk to everyone to make sure they knew the rules.

  • Friendly 1
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