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Hershel's Final Resign[COMPLETE]

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Name: Hershel


Game Master Rank: Gamehelper

Are you VIP?: Yes

Date: Aug. 26, 2024

Reason for leaving: I thought being a Admin, then a GM would be better. But for me it wasn't. I'm for too immature to handle being of staff. As much as it was fun, and me giving it a 4th  chance... I just don't have the spark anymore. I think somebody more reasonable and more mature is far better suited  for staff than me. It was fun to entertain and amuse the server. But I'm more of an EJ than a helper. I just wished there was just a entainer role within staff, not forced to do Events or Deployments but just keeping people busy, building things. I just can't keep up with the demand and I burn out easily. Staff was never meant for me but it was fun to try one last time.


I highly suggest anyone to give it a shot, but for me I cannot meet expectations and meet the guidelines.

Farewells: To all of Staff Team, I'll be around and I'll be a reliable EJ, more serious this time than what I used to do before. 



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Veteran Admin

Your resignation has been LOGGED.

Thank you for your service to the Game Master Team.


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