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C-9 Specs

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Name: Saesee Tiin

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79819558

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Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): LT Borris came in a consular class shuttle to deliver the latest specs on the C9 lander recovred by a squad of the special operations division. Naval had planned to meet the LT west of the base to recover the data drive that had to be decrypted. While LT was landing CIS fleet came and borris had to take evasive action while pilots tried to defend his ship. Eventually his sheilds went down, he crashed, the CIS tried to drill through, but he was saved by Jamp; as well as being brought back to base in his arc to hand over the data to naval

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4/5/5. Let pilots actually do their job and didnt over do the droids health. Don't really want to put a link to a clip in here but I did in fact clip a Jedi getting punched by a droid and killed so WWW

  • Friendly 1

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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