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Ambush on Toydaria

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Name: BOOM

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:649268514

Who helped (If applicable): Rick, WarMaster, Smitty, Rippa, Boston

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): An epic civil war pits the Jedi-led Clone Troopers of the Galactic Republic against the evil separatist forces of the Dark Side. The GAR must stand against a huge droid army in hopes of gaining a treaty signed by King Katuunko. In the end, we won over the King's favor but lost Ventress.

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The RP was really quick and all of a sudden, we didn't really have a debrief and I was often confused with what our objective was other then shoot every droid at each outpost. I would just have one active EJ interacting with the players since I understand that SOBDE were dealing with their own RP. 

Respectful Critisicsm or however you spell it. It's late night man 



Current: Shiny NotRonald


Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi I Simms I Oz

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