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[CW] Development Team Structure

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Development Team Structure


Development Coordinator

(1 max) (DEVCO)

The development coordinator will be the head of all operations development-wise. It will be their task to ensure the overall health and success of all operations within the ranks, maintain general activity, and promote newer additions to the team. Fundamentally, this position is held at a high standard because it will be directly tied to the health and well-being of the server state, just as the other coordinator position is.


The responsibilities are as follows:

1. Onlook active development operations

2. Ensure productivity 

3. Delegate tasks

4. Mediate the two teams

Competition in this workspace will be an extremely negative trait. Both teams operate on an equal playing field, thus they should work together.

5. Appoint appropriate senior developers

Senior developers will be chosen with founder supervision and/or support.

6. Teach new developers valuable information about the community

This can involve tasks such as teaching in-game commands, TeamSpeak, forums, code base, etc.

7. Provide deadlines for updates, with appropriate time windows and general flexibility for the team.


Senior Developer (Team Lead)

(2 max) (SRDEV) 


Senior developers are a vital component of the team. These two individuals directly task, influence, and oversee their teams. They are best described as the head admins of the development team due to how they will operate, with their teams being the rest of the staff. 


Crucial to operations, they will delegate and aid in the tasks their team has been provided, working in tandem with their members to ensure constant communication and support where needed. Additionally, it is preferred that these two people are constantly pushing the envelope to search for new ideas and opportunities for the team to partake in. Server suggestions should not dictate ideas alone. These two, along with the Development Coordinator, should be well in touch with the community to understand a good mix of ideas and suggestions.


The teams assigned to them are as follows:

(Devco oversees q/a)

  • Team 1

    • 3D artists

    • Map

  • Team 2

    • Coding

    • Media


The responsibilities of this position are as follows:

  1. Execute tasks that Development Coordinator provides

  2. Delegate tasks and information to team members

  3. Oversee and aid in various tasks

  4. Ensure team activity and functionality

  5. Ensure deadlines are met

  6. Inform the Development Coordinator of team's health and status 

  7. Overlook server suggestion with Devco/founders present

  8. Maintain a clean environment on the forums in both bug/server suggestion sections 

  9. Look for interested members in the community wishing to develop



(dependent per section) (DEV)


Having proven efficiency and value within their Development Assistant position, full-fledged members will now have the chance to receive payment for their work, as well as fully integrate with the team. The team itself has several predefined positions, all of which have specific caps to ensure workflows don’t overlap or get convoluted in the process. If these positions are full, it is ill-advised to seek further Development Assistants.


Positions are outlined as follows:

  • 3D artist (2 per lane, 4 max)

    • Modeler

    • Texture artist

  • Coding (2 per lane, 4 max)

    • LUA

    • Forums

  • Media (1 per lane, 3 max)

    • GFX

    • Video Editor

  • Mapping (1 preferred, 2 max)

  • Q/A (2 preferred, 4 max)


Responsibilities are self-explanatory per each field. Their tasks are what matter the most, and their ability to complete them.


Development Assistant

(4 / 2 per each team) (DEV Assist)


Development Assistants will typically be people who have put their names forward for the team. If we did not come to them first, then we will need examples of their work in real time, and have them prove that they are not just in it for the title. 


Assistants will equally operate within the same outline as the development team in terms of positions, as they need to prove they belong in any of those spots. If the development team is full, further Development Assistant positions should be locked. It is okay to bring more in on occasion, but the added pressure of overseeing these members is ill-advised when the team is full. 


The Development Assistant position is a trial position, and you can be removed at any time if you're not showing progress. You will be assigned a team and a mentor. If the development team or your mentor asks you to complete a project, you must learn how to accomplish the task in a reasonable time.






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