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Dooms Unit Hunter staff application


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RP Name: TR 327th HVY SSG Jáckson

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41827907



Timezone:usa CST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I LOVE BEING a admin/moderator. Its just so fun to bring joy to others trying starwars RP out. I love helping people and am very respectful to others. I as a person enjoy helping others and creating the best out of people. This for me is the best way I know how, its fun and it gives me an insite to the real world and how i need to grow and expand on my knowlage as a person. I am not the best of the best but i care about how people view the server today and want to make that look better overall. I am really exited to hopefully work with some of you and make SynergyRoleplay a well known name for the starwarsRP and gmod it self. In Conclution I care about the server and want to make it the best it can be with a strong player base. I Look forward to someday working with you guys an making the server the Best! 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Im a young guy. I love making new friends and bringing out the best of people. Administration is a great way to learn how to take a on a job IRL so I think its nice to get in practice now. I love having a great time with people aswell as improving RP for others. I hope I get accepted into the staff so I can share my dream with others. Thank you.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have extensive knowlage on ULX commands. I have served as a superadmin on 2 servers as well as 5 Admin roles. 8 Moderation roles. As well as 2 T-Mod roles. 


----My Goal is to help support and grow the server, and this is the best way I know how! By getting into others situations and helping them find their way in the server. Thank you and I look forward to working with you (If im accepted lol).

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