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Esitt's - The 3 Brothers


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Name: Esitt

Who helped (If applicable): Wombat and Unkindled!

Event Name: The 3 Brothers 

Summary of the story: The 3 brothers were searching a sector when they stumbled upon an unknown cruiser with its hangar opened. They went in to try and scavenge things but the Republic stop them and interrogate them. The brother Exo does not like the Republic and presses a button on his wrist to alert the CIS about their were abouts. The brother Exo is a traitor and died in interrogation. The CIS board the ship and fail, the other 2 brothers die in surgery.

What was the result of the event?: The 3 brothers died in surgery or interrogation, the CIS tried to get them back but failed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Lots of roleplay, some Shoot em up (There were trials and the server was dying, I couldn't do much)

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