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Jakes Final resignation.[COMPLETE]

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Name: Jake

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88765992

Staff Rank: SA

Are you VIP?: Yes

Date: 3/4/2021

Reason for leaving: Unfortunately I'm leaving on a low I do not think I did nearly as much as my last two go arounds but life is catching up finally and I have some really good opportunities currently to make my life better and I would be a idiot not to direct my attention towards that.

Farewells: Honestly I don't really have any I enjoyed my time with everyone that I got to interact with and quite a few new guys who I can say made my time on the server all the more enjoyable which probably is what kept me along for  all this time. So I don't think I need to single people out here if people wanna still talk to me or play games they can always message me on discord for now though I think ill slink back to the shadows :)

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