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Crumpet's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR RM 327th SGT Crumpet

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66717016

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I want to be a staff member for the simple reason of wanting to help. I have a passion for helping and teaching new players. I love training new recruits, and I love watching them grow and prosper on the server knowing that I assisted in that in someway. I feel I can be a useful member of the staff community because I understand the rules, and will be sure to help enforce the rules. I can handle my own when given a tough situation to deal with, and I can help assist other staff when needed. I also have a great desire to one day become a gamemaster so I can help bring joy to the troopers aboard the Venator by providing fun and enjoyable events. I feel these are all good traits to look for in a staff and can ensure you that I will not disappoint. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a pretty outgoing person, I like to consider myself very kind. I have leadership experience in both Star Wars RP and IRL, for instance I am a manager at a fast food restaurant, that has taught me some great leadership skills. I love helping people out and teaching those who need help. For the past few years I have desired to go to college to become a teacher, that is just to show how much I love teaching. I consider myself a very fair person, I do not believe harassment solves any problems and see it as a toxic vibe which should be stopped in Garry's Mod communities. I always listen to both sides of an argument before I make judgement. I am a pretty available person, I should be available almost everyday for 2+ hours. I am always out to make friends not enemies, because a friend can get you 10x farther in life than an enemy. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? I was a staff on IceFuse up until my resignation. I made it up to the admin rank. I was also staff on many Minecraft servers a few years back (Haha Minecraft XD).  And I am hoping to become staff on this server to help expand the community :D.

Edited by Crumpet
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