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ASVO's Bomb package


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Name: ASVO

Who helped (If applicable): Ryx

Event Name: Bomb package

Summary of the story:Police droids came on the ship and were escorted out with the package that was classified it was a bomb but no one knew it so they took it to Command Bridge and set it down started a Data Transfer. then we had Representatives Come down to talk so we Rp'ed with them and then Bomb timer was on for 5 minutes we tried to finish data upload but then they shut off power so we rped detonating bomb they rushed in after making example out of one who ran in that we hand cuffed and executed they killed the police droids then they Defused the Bomb.

What was the result of the event?: Almost everyone Enjoyed it!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay

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