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The Distress Signal: CIS Intel grab

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Name: Fenrir

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:448864765

Who helped (If applicable): ansely, Clorox, Viper

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D4m-vBnZqU-DBYxuTBg8St6sKHUyqvK-1uDTbKlFLcc/edit?usp=sharing

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The republic gets a transmission from a damaged ship that is requesting help. The ship will crash at the lake near Thesh in the water. Before the trooper get to the area the CIS sent drop pods and ships to get the Intel. When the troopers clear the area around the ship, They will be able to enter the ship. When they enter the ship they will face CIS forces and clear the first area. At this time they will need to hack into the controller to open the next area. They will fight throw the next area and clear it. When they clear it, They will find the CIS CPT that will sersender to the troopers. The CPT will tell them that they have a file for the CIS newest project [ Project: Dreadnaughts ] They will lead the CIS CPT back to the base. They will need to fight their way back to the base. When the troopers are on their way back a new ship will enter the air space holding a CIS General that was ordered to bring back the CPT. Over an Inter comm, The General Will order the base to surrender the CPT. Telling them that he has something he wants.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: None

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