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Black after Action Report on Chirstphois


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Name: WolfpackL Commander Comet/Black

Who helped (If applicable): Baddog, Core, JBFox/Wolffe/the God

Event Name: Droid Slavery Beginning

Summary of the story: The CIS and its Droid Army have started to join the slave trade! They are kidnapping terrorizing civilians with their massive army and military power. They began with Chirstophis even doe they are a large city and they also know that the republic will get involved but that is the plan. The Armies in chirstophis will wait for the Republic Army to arrive they will threaten to blow up buildings with civilians in them. Republic must think of a way of infiltrating the base and taking out the Tactical droid in command since he has the bomb codes. This event will involve Specialised battalions and RC so they can do their assassination and plant bombs on the base so the base can go up on flames once they have the bomb codes they are able to disarm the bombs from a terminal within the base leaving the droids without anything to use against the republic. If not successful the CIS will set off bombs on those buildings kill civilians from that the republic will be distracted and they will flee the planet with the remaining slaves that they took. Once they leave Republic forces must try to stop them from continuing this industry that they created for them to grow off on. The more slaves they abuse and sell the more money and resources in return which benefits them in the war and long run.

What was the result of the event?: Republic have lost and the tactical droid set off bombs killing 100s of civlians

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and shoot em up

Edited by BlackiSblack
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