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Name:  WolfpackL Commander Black/Comet

Who helped (If applicable): Adi/ BADDOG HE HELPED SOO MUCH THANKK YOU!!

Event Name:  LAST OPTION 

Summary of the story: This is my part 3 to my 3 part series of event I did my 2 yesterday so I want to finish it off So Basically The Umbarans were creating some Biological Chemical weapon nearly similiar to the Blue shadow virus but more easier to sustain and get rid of.. The Umbarans are working with a faction in a city in narshada where they have a lab in side a of a building.. They are testing the virus on civilians that they kidnapped (depending on how many events jobs I get depends on how many positions I can fill within it) The Republic with all the data that they collected from my past 2 events connected to this part manage to find the city and what they are creating! (For this part I wanted this to be player choice so I will ask naval and regimentals if on to select a few battalions of there choice that they feel that will do well)  After DOing soo they will be sent and awaited at there drop zone again depending on the event jobs will depend on the civilian activity within the city and if a clone someone is rude or aggressive or does something that harms and even kills a civilian others will riot or either stand up and not give important tell cause of it! But from this I will make this a 1 life or not depending if it s possible after the Republic sends there troops they can either be successful on retrieving all the chemical weapons and capture the scientist or kill them and capture the chemicals if they fail the chemical will cause a chain reaction of explosions causing it to kill whoever is in the building and forcing the Republic forces to leave cause of the virus this would also create a new faction against the republic from my next series if it goes this way because civilians died from the chemical weapon or by the hands of the Republic 




What was the result of the event?:   The republic won and captured the scientist and got the chemical weapons but the CIS still got the data and formula of the virus which is still not good and this will lead to a PT 4

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event  ROLEPLAY

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