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TayTay and Esitt's Umbaran Peace Part 3


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Name: Esitt and TayTay

Who helped (If applicable): Washington, Hollow, Cabrera, Wolf

Event Name: Umbaran Peace Part 3

Summary of the story: This was the final part to our string of events, the 104th and 41st were deployed to Umbara to protect the main outpost for the umbarans, the CIS attacked it with heavy force and they fought it off greatly. Unfortunately we had to escape with the umbarans to save them, the CIS bombed the outpost and we got out with our lives.

What was the result of the event?: The result was not to keen to us, but we made it out and kept our treaty with the Umbaran's

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

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