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Black's Captured Jar Jar


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Who helped (If applicable):Valdor/Keltor

Event Name:Captured jar Jar

Summary of the story:Deathwatch Ship EJ-4523 jumped out of hyperspace and contacted with redemeer that they have senator. Republic allowed them to enter hangar 2. they wanted 10Millions credits and some republic weapons. Republic had plan. they opened fire when they were dealing. deathwatchs started fight. 3 of them went to 3rd floor to steal data but they failed. one of them was captured and took to IR for interigation. He said that clones are dogs and kal skirata is traitor so he was killed. Jar Jar pressed some buttons in ATC So ship jumped into hyperspace. Ship was sweeped and cleared!

What was the result of the event?:Republic won! they saved jar jar!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Alot of RP But some shoot em up to :D

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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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