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Vuytuu Senator from Kashyyyk


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Name: Wombat

Who helped (If applicable): Forge, Keltor, Woody

Event Name: The Kashyyyk Senator Vuytuu

Summary of the story: This was a follow up of another event I had where a wookie handed out medals at the end and was assasinated. The wookie senator came onto the ship to mourn the death of his brother and to award those who did well in battle with medals. He was assasinated but the attempt didn't kill him. Commando droids took over ATC and called in reinforcements and the ship was attacked. The engines fell and the ship went into panic mode.

What was the result of the event?: It was a nice event considering it was a 5 min draft.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with some rp

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