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BigMan's - Jedi Assault


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Who helped (If applicable): Patrick, Saint, Twrgy

Event Name:Jedi Assault

Summary of the story:The Jedi learned of a sith empire being started by Maul and Savage taking force sensetives from different planets and training them on Korriban. Maul sends his apprentices to illum to take kyber crystals for the production of lightsabers. the jedi ambushed the apprentice being led to him by Force ghost nephess. The jedi learn of the location of the temple where the apprentices are being trained and attempt to put a stop to it. 

What was the result of the event?: The jedi found the Sith and apprehended many of their apprentices as maul and Savage escape.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Lightsaber em up, and a lil rp

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