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Bio Chemist Unknown Saint


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Name: Saint / Mereel

Who helped (If applicable):
Bad dog

Event Name:
Armageddon Clan DW CMD Morky
Armageddon Clan DW COL Chang
Armageddon Clan DW LTC Jax
Armageddon Clan DW LT Chong
Armageddon Clan DW LT Ching


Summary of the story: The Mad Bio Chemist is back. Although now the republic has found where he's getting his supplies. A clan named Armageddon which are DW bounty hunter working with the CIS. The Armageddon blew up the sky gate and entered the ship, killing clones and gather infected capsules in med bay to give to their boss Unknown. Although one of the Armageddon left a coordinate behind in medbay which the republic with find to track down the scientist

What was the result of the event?: The Armageddon collect the supplies and head back to the ship. Although the Republic will track them down

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both roleplay and shoot em up

Edited by Saint
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