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Pandas Battle of Felucia


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Name: Panda/Boomer

Who helped (If applicable): Ryx, Bigman, Ching

Event Name: Battle of Felucia

Summary of the story: ill copy and paste the event outline I said on my doc

  1. 501st will be called to event server to answer an emergency distress call

  2. 501st will be briefed that they are to check out a distress signal sent by the 182nd Legion on the planet of Felucia

“Alright 501st, this will be a difficult mission. But I have no doubt you men will be able to complete it with swift and precise tactics. We have been sent a distress signal by the 182nd Legion while they were on the planet of Felucia, we have tried to get in touch with any troopers within the Legion, and none has answered. It is presumed that all of them suffered a terrible fate from the Aklays, which I hope none of you men will have to witness. The mission is simple men, get to the planet, find any survivors, and continue on with their mission. I will be giving out orders as the mission progresses. Any questions?”

3. 501st will go the planet, find dead bodies of the 182nd Legion

4. 501st will then be attacked by a group of CIS droid patrols, and will need to hold out until new orders arrive. (about a 5-10 minute battle)

5. Once the 501st has held off the droid attack, they will begin patrolling around their area, and come across a downed MTT that is functional, but needing repairs.

“Alright 501st, new orders have arrived, begin patrolling around the area, our scanners show a downed CIS vehicle nearby. *Wait until they comms in that theres an MTT*

Alright 501st, new orders. I want you to defend that MTT with your lives, that is your best hope on this war torn planet, have your engineers repair it while the rest of you defend it. Once it is back online, it will provide a very large support role. It also seems to be missing a power cell, so once you have everything else in the MTT repaired, report back to me.”

6. Once the 501st has the MTT repaired, they will need to cross the canyon and get to a downed ship, and take its power cell, and then go back to the MTT.

“Alright men, theres a downed republic vessel nearby, get to it, and take its power cell, and take it back to the MTT and get it hooked up.”

7. Once the ATTE has been hooked up, a CIS hyena bomber will arrive and blow it up *xd*

8. Once the ATTE has been blown up, the clones will then need to retreat, because Acklays begin overrunning their position

“Troopers, fall back, those Acklays will rip you to shreds, their are cave systems nearby, fall back inside of those and stick together, its a large cave system, don’t go all the way inside, we don’t know whats in there.”

9. Once the 501st get inside the caves, the CIS are going to begin their bombing runs, and bomb the entire area, and it will cause a cave collapse and it will block the 501st inside.

“Troopers! Do you- *static* read *explosions* *static* --------”

10. 501st will then be stuck inside the cave, and will eventually figure out that its an Acklay hive and filled with Acklays

11. Eventually, the 501st will be saved by a 182nd Legion survivor, and the 182nd will blow the rocks up blocking the 501st

12. After the explosions go off, tons of Acklays will arrive, and surround the 501st, and they will need to hold out until EVAC arrives.

What was the result of the event?: 501st got the data and evacced

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: a bit of RP, but mainly shoot shit up

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