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Reaper Return as Gamemaker


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Only Admin+ may apply for Gamemaster for now. If not it will be denied.



SteamID: STEAM_0:0:119739801


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: errr about 1000 hours


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: My leader skills are great i was a battalion Commander for ever 7 months and IK how to lead things. I MISS doing events with everyone having fun i want to be able to do great things ont he server and have fun with them and help them do everything for everyone :3

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yep :3 im always on tho


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: The mask of Mandalore the Ultimate


The begining of the event will be a mandaloran archiologist will be arriving on the ship. and asking for true madnalorians to help him on an expedtion because he beleives that the Visor of Mandalore is somewhere on the planet of Dxun. in which null will then be deployed to Kashykk Aka Dxun. They will begin the exploration of the planet finding anchient battles and things like that and will be given hints as they serch for the Visor. enventually the death watch will be showing up for the event and having them there will make the null and rc have to race to find the mask before the deathwatch can find it. they can chose to fight the deathwatch or be stealthy through this event its up to them.

Eventually they will locate the mask and the deathwatch will attempt to take the mask back. null and rc can capture one of the mandalorians and interogate them to find out where there leader is if they happen to get to the mask first. they will able to siege the area and take the mask back.


The deathwatch will be about 4 captains and one commander the captains will have 4000 hp and the commander will sit at 6000. armed with dual westars and a bunch of other weapons to help them set up

Edited by Reaper
had to put steam id
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