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Forge's - Maul Encounter


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Name: Forge

Who helped (If applicable):

  • Jirschi/Mute/Serra Keto: Death Watch
  • Joseph: Savage
  • Mocaris: Spawned in NPCs

Event Name: Maul Encounter

Summary of the story: Maul, Savage, and some death watch board the Venator Kenobi was last seen on. When they arrived Kenobi was no where to be found so Savage found his way to the temple and took some files related to recent Jedi missions. ( The whole point of the Event was to Test the new Saber damage against other Saber wielding jobs.) When they were finally defeated they were brought to the interrogation room and interrogated by Jedi Shadows. Once the interrogation was over they were sent away with a LAAT escort. The LAAT was caught by deathwatch and they were both set free.

What was the result of the event?: The Venator wins Savage and Maul loose. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with a little bit of RP with Shadows.

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