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Fixx's Staff application


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STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:192738425




I wanna be Admin because i feel like i would be a great admin, my reason for that is i know i can make the server even more enjoyable then it already is. We already have a great Staff on the server but making me staff would make it better.I know i sound cocky but i'm not trying to its just because i know i'm good with people and i'm good at handling task's .I wanna make people on the server feel at home when they play and know that they have someone they can trust. To be completely honest i'm 100% dedicated to this server I'm on it day and night i have some much fun on the server and i wanna make the server as fun as possible.I have also seen an increase in minging recently and I wanna help manage that.

I'm just your typical high school kid that loves to make new friends. I work at a grocery store but i'm trying to get a job at a local gym. From there i'm gonna save up money for university but I don't know what i'm gonna study yet. I'm a very friendly guy and like i said before i like making new friends and meeting new people. Sometimes i'm quiet but most of the time i'm making joke and talking.

I have no prior experience of being an admin this would be the first time. 

Edited by TheOne
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48 minutes ago, Ryx said:

-1, sorry I can’t see someone that’ll get mad that he doesn’t get promoted after he ASKS for promotions in a Battalion as Staff. I don’t believe he’d have the patience required to be a valued member of staff.

i wasnt mad i just wanna see if i can be a ghost company and i fail ill come back 


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Sadly we are going to deny your application for staff here at synergy roleplay! Due to the lack of community feedback! Please take the 30 day cooldown period to improve yourself as an applicant! 


You may re apply on 1/13/18

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