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Black's Umbarans testing weapons


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Who helped (If applicable):BadDog

Event Name:Umbarans Testing weapons

Summary of the story:General with 2 troopers took small fleet and found venator. general decided to test weapons on clones. He send commander with his best Trooper. When commander lost trooper and he needs backup general joined him with zombie-bombs... general was captured after commanders deads... after Interrogetion some clones decided to execute general without taking any informations. they took only one information. Umbarans are making new weapons. 

What was the result of the event?:REPUBLIC WON. GENERAL DIED.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot em up.

Unlucky general was executed so i will do part 2 maybe... maybe.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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