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Hello fellow brothers of Synergy Roleplay,

I'm Asianae, yes I'm actually Asian. I'm here to introduce myself. So we mostly all came from Icefuse, I left Icefuse 2 months ago to start my own server/community called "Redeye Networks" (We named it after redeye because butters suggested it and it sounded cool at the moment)  and it went great when we opened our MilitaryRP, the 2nd day of it, we had up to 30 players but then it died down because 7 people left to start their own server. 2 days ago I had to factory restart my MilitaryRP without saving the files to something to make a TTT server that has 64 slot even though I had a 32 slot TTT server and they didn't want to play on that so waste :( xD. We are currently deving DarkRP and Clonewars RP but I'm holding all of them back but DarkRP and I'm still deciding what to do with the 2nd  darkrp server, the 32 slot but I want to merge communities, as in I give Joah my servers, and we can turn them into other servers but I do know the promise he made you guys and what you guys wanted but TTT and DarkRP was fun, we played on it because the server wasn't done(Joah's Server) and we had tons of fun, though darkrp was cancer. So I don't know if people will change their minds. If you guys want to play on our servers for fun with others within the Synergy Community, poke me and we can play DarkRP or TTT. :) .Anyways that is my situation, I do want to play on this server a lot, it has almost all my friends or people I met from Icefuse and that is really welcoming. I make my servers for fun and same with Joah. So people can have fun. Anyways introducing myself from icefuse, I was the XO of 501st for 2 months and a Moderator for a long time and I believe I could've gotten to Senior Moderator but I'm busy with work. I work 10-14 a day but sometimes I get off early. That's why I've been so inactive on icefuse. I've been playing DarkRP for 2 years on the same community before I played on Garnet Gaming or Icefuse and I was staff for almost 2 full years. I went from T-Mod to Admin a ton of times and when I would get close to Head-Admin, I get busy IRL so I have to quit and retry again in the future. So that is my little introduction. I wanna become a known Asian in this community. Become good friends and allies :P Thanks for reading. 



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Hey, look a wild Asian in its natural habitat.

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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