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Joe's Attack Regimental Commander Application


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   Steam Name:


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(No official one yet, but also known as 5th Fleet Commander Joe on Icefuse.)

 Steam ID:


 Battalion you are applying for:

Attack Regimental Commander

Why should you become a Commander?: 

I have plenty of experience in the attack battalion during my time in the Galactic Marines all the way up to the rank of Captain, I know the importance of most or all Attack battalions that i fought along side with as how they take on things when in combat and which i would now be able to utilize each of them with the best proficiency possible, I also have watched the best officers become commander and have taken note of their methods as to how to inspire people to get things done and to organize, these people include Tank, Gene, Trifero, and most importantly Medic who were all great example of excellent leadership and i have taken their standards into consideration , i should note that the battalion is all about professionalism, honor, respect, and integrity, it was a big step for me to transfer out, but i did it for the sake of a new experience.

After transferring out of the Galactic Marines to 5th Fleet, I was a Sargent due to rank transfer terms and shown initiative as well as consideration for my battalion members due to the slight lack of leadership or officers being active, (No offence to those i am referring to, IRL stuff is more important and I don't blame them) after the final decision was made to become XO after showing a huge concern for our battalions numbers i began to start promoting people to their respective ranks, created a new tryout doc for everyone to refer to as well as to make other documents involving training my men how to deal with certain situations in a professional manner rather than auto arresting and to always issue out warning before making an arrest, this has brought other battalions to respect and appreciate us more as i have received many comments as to how i commanded the battalion. During this time now I had received the rank of Commander of 5th fleet which was a huge honor to have and one not to be taken for granted. I immediately started to worked alongside my men for new ideas on how we can better improve the battalion as well as with working closely with Naval, doing this created plenty of opportunities within 5th Fleet such as Interrogations, updating security records, etc. All of this helped increased our numbers and maintain peace and order on the Venator, To sum it all up, i helped a battalion that was in the mud and raised it into something with a lot more potential and shown to work plenty of times with documents. 

Another thing to note, as a 5th Fleet commander, I was given a role in Naval as well as Chief Quarter Master title, which means i had to make armor checks on battalions from the heads, chest, arms, and legs, their weaponry as well as any special equipment, after inspections i would have to make reports in the documents, another one of my roles as Naval was to lead during an event should no higher rank be on, thus allowing me to lead battalions from point A to B and to issue out Defcons, I believe this was an important role and experience for me to have for applying for this position as it allows me to know how to manage battalions.

I also bring a good, outgoing, and professional attitude at all times, and when it comes to serious matters, i tend to be very persistent such as messaging someone for an answer or following up with someone regarding a recent request or topic. Also I tend to be very active on the Synergy forums and constantly watch the website as well as have my google drive always open and ready to use.

                                 What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

I plan on getting with all battalions to get to know them more as well as to communicate with each and every single battalion to see how each battalion is doing as far as.......

  • The frequency of tryouts.
  • Discipline in men such as do they salute when seeing a higher up, etc.
  • The quality of their training,
  • Physical training.
  • Making them do attack simulations.
  • Checking over their rosters for any errors or questionable details.
  • Handle any altercation or infighting between battalions.
  • Promote teamwork and communication with all battalions.

                                 Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?

Yes I understand and i don't intend to be inactive. I understand I have a Commander position on Icefuse and i give you and the community my word that I will do what is necessary to keep Attack Regimental Commander, even if it means resigning from 5th Fleet Commander, as much as i love my battalion I want to do what is best for Synergy as Icefuse has fallen rather....short, but aside from that all my role-models and best friends and buddies are over here.

Edited by XSilentJoe

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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-1 you aren't ready for the position, you were 5th fleet CMD for like 2 weeks. And there are better people fit for the role as Attack Reg.



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@Bacoon @Core @Grief @Fido™


I am going to be very blunt. Do not give someone a rating on the idea that there is, "Someone more qualified". This is an extremely painful way to go out during an application process. It is unfair and it is quite immature. If you are going to give a -1, just say your reasoning without saying there are better people. If you feel that, but you have nothing else to say, DO NOT comment. This is really disrespectful.

And Fido, do not go out of your way to publicly humiliate applicants. If they did a bad job, then just say, "I don't feel you are qualified to be a Commander". Don't be disrespectful.

501st Legion Battalion Commander Rex

Edited by Kain
  • Agree 2
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10 minutes ago, Kain said:

@Bacoon @Core @Grief @Fido™


I am going to be very blunt. Do not give someone a rating on the idea that there is, "Someone more qualified". This is an extremely painful way to go out during an application process. It is unfair and it is quite immature. If you are going to give a -1, just say your reasoning without saying there are better people. If you feel that, but you have nothing else to say, DO NOT comment. This is really disrespectful.

And Fido, do not go out of your way to publicly humiliate applicants. If they did a bad job, then just say, "I don't feel you are qualified to be a Commander". Don't be disrespectful.

501st Legion Battalion Commander Rex

Kain, this is part of the application process. It isn't meant to be disrespectful and in fact it is meant to be constructive criticism. I would actually rather have them state who they think is more apt for the role as well. That way, even if the applicant doesn't get the role they applied for, they know what to look for and model in a leader. While I agree with you on Fido's point, he shouldn't have phrased his comment that way, one thing is for certain, there is more often than not someone applying for a role that you are that has had more experience, is more senior, and has put in more time to working with others than any given applicant. Instead of thinking of it as an attack, it's better suited to think of it as a focus on the credentials and qualifications that one should uphold.

Now I'm going to be very blunt.

Regardless, Joe. You are a wonderful fellow, I have RPed with you several times on occasion and see that you lead 5th Fleet in the past. However, I find that you lack the leadership skills that are necessary for a Regimental Commander and believe that you should spend more time working with a single battalion to experience it all fully. Acquaint yourself with other Attack Battalions as well! If you get the chance to join other battalions to learn the specialties and workings of each of them, then you have an idea of how each work. From what I can gather, it seems you've only acquainted yourself with the Galactic Marines in the past. Try to find out more about the other attack battalions, join a few if you get the chance and learn about them.

I believe right now, that Faoeoa is slightly more qualified for the role, though not by much. 

I hope that this criticism is met with the strength and understanding that I expect out of a Commander and not anger.

For anger is the path to the Dark Side.


  • Agree 4

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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38 minutes ago, Kain said:

@Bacoon @Core @Grief @Fido™


I am going to be very blunt. Do not give someone a rating on the idea that there is, "Someone more qualified". This is an extremely painful way to go out during an application process. It is unfair and it is quite immature. If you are going to give a -1, just say your reasoning without saying there are better people. If you feel that, but you have nothing else to say, DO NOT comment. This is really disrespectful.

And Fido, do not go out of your way to publicly humiliate applicants. If they did a bad job, then just say, "I don't feel you are qualified to be a Commander". Don't be disrespectful.

501st Legion Battalion Commander Rex

Kain like Hudson said it's part of the process think of it like voting for president, you would want to vote for who you believe is more qualified and/or who you will do best in that position. Think about it how you will I don't really care.

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-1 I don't think you are ready for the position, you were 5th fleet CMD for like 2 weeks. I did notice some improvement of 5th fleet while your were in command however I believe you should hold an ATTACK BATT CMD position before going for something like that. Being commander of a security battalion for a few weeks just doesn't cut it for ATT REG CMD, sorry. I assume you're a good guy with good intentions, just get that experience in first!


P.S. I liked the format/detail of your application. +1 for that.

Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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On 7/23/2017 at 0:45 PM, Kain said:

@Bacoon @Core @Grief @Fido™


I am going to be very blunt. Do not give someone a rating on the idea that there is, "Someone more qualified". This is an extremely painful way to go out during an application process. It is unfair and it is quite immature. If you are going to give a -1, just say your reasoning without saying there are better people. If you feel that, but you have nothing else to say, DO NOT comment. This is really disrespectful.

And Fido, do not go out of your way to publicly humiliate applicants. If they did a bad job, then just say, "I don't feel you are qualified to be a Commander". Don't be disrespectful.

501st Legion Battalion Commander Rex



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4 minutes ago, Cabrera said:

just saying you commented on Technodads app giving him a +1. Now I don't know if we have this same rule from icefuse but I am just saying this

I don't see a problem in it, I'm not forfeiting my app, just saying I respect Technodad, I worked very very closely with him during my time as a 5th Fleet Commander. 

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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